This is a layout I started on National Scrapbooking day and finally had a chance to finish this morning. It was the journaling that I needed/wanted to get done. My dad's garden is unbelievably beautiful this spring. Sadly, since he died in September, he doesn't get to see it. But we are enjoying every new bloom. It is just a lush paradise that he left for us to enjoy. The journaling reads:
The "Cole" house at 1108 Sandy Lane, so named for it's first owner, Jim Cole, originally stood alone at the end of the cul-de-sac. Jim had the foresight to purchase the lot next door. Perhaps he envisioned the homes to come; mainly, I think, he just loved to play golf. The lot was his personal putting green. By the time my parents purchased the home, the green had been replaced with a garden, designed by landscapers from the valley. The result was a virtual feast for the numerous deer that inhabit these bluffs. Needless to say, it was a sad, sparse garden. My dad, with love and passion for gardening, went to work with his ethic of hard effort and determination, mixed with high intellect. In the 8+ years he graced this place with his life, he turned the barren into a fruitful paradise. Never, dear dad, has it looked so lovely as it does this spring. It is your lasting legacy. At least, I hope it will be lasting. We have a great gardner in our neighbor, Ken. By the way, that is my darling dog, Snickers, at the bottom right.
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